Header title for Friends of Hyde Park & Kensington Gardens Header image for Friends of Hyde Park & Kensington Gardens

Join us

Help us preserve the peace and beauty of our parks and enjoy exclusive member benefits.

Become a Friend

Despite its size and its huge population, London is one of the “greenest” capital cities in Europe, thanks to its parks. Of the eight Royal Parks, Hyde Park is not the largest, but certainly the best-known and most central.

If you appreciate the open spaces, the trees, plants and wild life of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens and want to help preserve them for today and for future generations, please join the Friends.

Whether you walk your dog, ride your bike, enjoy walking through the park to work or like sitting on a park bench, by becoming a Friend you will be helping ensure that such simple pleasures continue to exist.

Member Benefits

By joining the Friends you can enjoy the benefits of:

How to Join

For £15 for single membership, or £30 for household membership, you can become a Friend and enjoy all the member benefits. It’s easy, simply print and complete the ‘Paper Joining Form’ or fill in the ‘Online Form’ and post your subscription or pay it directly into our bank. Thank you for your support.

Paper Joining Form

Print and complete the paper joining form below and post it with payment or standing order details to the Membership Secretary (address on the form).

If you organise payment through the internet or directly through your bank, please remember to send the form or email membership@friendshpkg.org.uk with your details, then we can post your ‘Welcome Package’.

Click here to open and print the Paper Joining Form

Online Form

You can complete the joining form online, below. By submitting this form, you are giving your consent to us holding and using your personal information. (Please see bottom of form for more GDPR information)

Once completed please transfer the membership fee/or set up a standing order to the Friends bank account:

Friends of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens
National Westminster Bank Plc, 186 Brompton Road, London, SW3 1HL

Friends of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens
Account No. 18151701
Sort Code 60-04-04
Please use your name as your reference.

Fill out my online form.

* Mandatory

Gift Aid Guidance. Charities can reclaim tax paid on donations made by individual taxpayers under the Gift Aid scheme. The donor must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for a tax year (06 April to 05 April) at least equal to the tax repayment claimed on their donations by all the charities and Community Amateur Sports Club (CASCs) to whom the donor donates in that tax year. Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.

Information Relating to General Data Protection Regulations. Government legislation requires us to comply on the handling and storage of personal data. We collect, use and securely store the following personal data about you: name, address, email address, phone number, membership status and gift aid status. We need this personal data in order to send you newsletters, updates and information, and to reclaim gift aid from HMRC on your donations. At any time, you have the right to request access to, or rectification or deletion of any personal data which we hold about you by sending an email to membership@friendshpkg.org.uk. To see our complete privacy statement/policy please go to the Policy & Reports section on our website